Friend-Building company events and parties!

How We Can Help

Overview of the 3 main Friend-Building ideas that FunCorp can help your business with: Corporate Events, Presentations, and Education. 

How We Can Help!

"I don't like that man. I must get to know him better."
- President Abraham Lincoln

3 Ways FuncORP can help your company CUlture:



We specialize in running custom corporate events and parties in Washington State and Oregon, but we can help guide and coach you along no matter what your location. Your company party normally just needs a few tweaks to go from yawnville to Friend-Building. And we have partners across the country who might be able to help you out with a new take on your company BBQ or Xmas party, even if you aren't on the west coast so let us know what party is on your mind

Our Favorite Event is the Office Olympiad which can include families, or other vendors and business partners. 

But we can also run a Workplace Olympiad and bring the fun inside your office, or a Karaoke Olympiad to help build some social connections through the power of song. Kickball and co-ed Flag Football, yup we can do that too. Maybe some Dodgeball and Drinks on the Links Mini-Golf if you talk us into it. 

[#2] Speeches and Presentations 

If Friend-Building and Silo-breaking came easily, you wouldn't need us and you probably wouldn't be here. But you know your company culture can be better, and a fun office is one that has an easier time with retention, productivity and making money.  

Let us come speak to your association, biz group, HR team,  executives, or your whole company about simple friend lessons we have learned over 18 years. Heck we will even bring some games and teach them how to have fun! 

Tell us more about how we can help teach your team to create a fun office culture beyond just a party once a year. 

[#3] Education and Consultation


We have trained hundreds of refs, umps, and Fun Ambassadors over the years. We can probably help your company too. Wouldn't it be nice to give your staff or employees the gift of learning and let them be certified as an "Ambassador of Fun?" We can provide proven, simple ideas that work for building friends, helping with workplace challenges like engagement and retention, and will bring more fun to the office so you can hopefully make more money.