Friend-Building company events and parties!

FunCorp in the News


FunCorp in the News

Learn more about FunCorp from these trusted resources. If you are a press affiliate with an interview request or questions for FunCorp, please contact us.


HR Magazine: How to Prevent Employee Burnout

Burnout can result in lower productivity and engagement as well as higher absenteeism and turnover. But fortunately, it’s possible to bounce back from burnout... 6 Execs Discuss How They Use Company Culture to Increase Employee Engagement

$11 billion is lost annually due to employee turnover. Why? And how can companies increase employee engagement?



Inside LaunchStreet Podcast: How Fun Builds Collaborative Teams With Shawn Madden

Shawn stopped by Inside LaunchStreet to talk to listeners about the power of fun in building cultures of trust, productivity, and innovation.


The Nice Guys on Business Podcast:  Doing More For Your Co-Workers Through Fun and Friendship

The science says that people would actually take less money to work in a place where they had better friends and more fun... Top 27 Company Culture Ideas from the Pros

For better or worse, company culture can take hold quickly and greatly affects your brand, so knowing how to develop a positive culture is important.


Hire Up Podcast: Corporate Friend-Building with Guest, Shawn D. Madden

Friend-Building can have an impact on your office...