Friend-Building company events and parties!

About FunCorp

Company Parties and team building and Friend Building events 



If the question is, can FunCorp help with it, the answer is normally YES!

  • Can you provide Catering and Food? YES
  • Can you help with music and a DJ? YES
  • Can you do customized signage and shirts? YES
  • Can I get follow up photo assets? YES
  • Do you provide Refs and Umps? YES
  • Do we have an event website with scores? YES
  • Do you handle field reservations? YES
  • Can we offered alcohol and drinks ? YES (with restrictions)
  • Can you do prizes and trophies? YES
  • Can you help with departments and employees who normally don't talk to each other? YES
  • Can you do Family Events with Kids? YES
  • Do you have a Drone? Of COURSE!
  • Do you explain the rules?  YES!

Will my employees have Fun?



What is your office "Friend Index?"

What is your office "Friend Index?"

FunCorp runs "friend building" parties and events for small to medium sized teams and companies (30-150 people) who are interested in creating real social connections and friendships that will impact your company culture. 

We believe that "Friends" at the office is not a dirty word, but rather the overlooked simple key to impacting your company's retention, productivity, engagement, teamwork, and morale. 

Because a friend will do more to help another friend succeed in a day, then a "co-worker" will do in a year. 

Maybe you still want to try and force the issue with Team Building events and trust falls, but before anyone trusts each other, they first have to know and like each other. 

You've run many parties and events before, and you provided lots of drinks at the company BBQ and Holiday Party - but you got little to no return for the future of the company on those drinks (besides a night of goofy fun) because people stayed in their normal silo's and didn't make any meaningful social connections. 

Let FunCorp help you get your friend index to 3, with our specialty catalog of events, Olympiads, and parties, and get started on building the company culture you know you have always dreamed of.